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Social services star system 'inaccurate'

SOCIAL service chiefs are outraged that Medway has only scored only one out of a possible three stars in a new Government rating system.

Meanwhile, Kent County Council scored two stars and was judged among the top 15 per cent in the country. Just last month, Medway's adoption service received beacon status and seven months ago the social services department was named as one of the top 15 in the UK.

Cllr Tom Mason, who chaired the social services committee until last year, said: "This is very disappointing and bad for morale. There are too many strategies and measurements and they are not all accurate. This is based on old figures. The Government says we are spending £5 million a year more than we should be on social services - how does that tally?"

The areas where Medway did not meet the minimum criteria were the inspection of adult residential homes, where the level was set at 99 per cent and the council achieved 94 per cent in 2000/01.

Cllr Mason said he thought the scandal over the Brompton care home had damaged the department's standing. Undercover reporter Donal McIntyre secretly filmed staff abusing patients at the care home which was shut down as a result.

Cllr Mason said: "It didn't help spending such a lot of time sorting out the Brompton Home. Residential homes are not run by councils any more - we are being judged on something we no longer do."

Cllr Howard Doe, portfolio holder covering social services said: "I am very proud of our council's social services and of all the staff who deliver them. We scored in the top 10 per cent of authorities nationally only seven months ago and we won beacon status for our adoption service in April.

"It is difficult to see how this ranking based on the same data used then, can give a truer picture of our achievements."

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