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Shopfitter jailed for sex assaults on children

A 'sexual predator' who abused two young boys has been locked up indefinitely under a sentence for public protection.

Duncan Farber will have to serve a minimum of six years before the parole board will consider whether it is safe to release him.

A judge told the 49-year-old shopfitter, of Dignash Cottage, Westwell, Ashford, it was clear he had “cognitively distorted views”.

He added: “You have sought to persuade others it was the child that instigated sexual conduct. I reject that concept totally.”

Farber admitted two charges of raping one boy, two of sexually assaulting him and one of sexual activity with a child.

He also admitted attempting to rape the second victim, two charges of sexual activity with a child and one of sexual assault.

Farber further pleaded guilty to five charges of making an indecent photograph of a child between January 2005 and February this year.

Maidstone Crown Court heard that the offences were discovered after Farber took his laptop computer to PC World in December last year and said he could not get it to start up.

While there, he asked about removing items on his hard drive. The problem could not be resolved and he returned in January and left his computer at the store.

When a technician inspected it, he discovered files marked “gay pornography”, “paedo” and “six-year-old boy”. He found obscene pictures of young girls and contacted the police.

Farber returned to the shop and was given his computer back.

Eloise Marshall, prosecuting, said officers later went to Farber’s home and answered the door wearing a dressing gown. He revealed there was a young boy upstairs.

Police found the boy naked in Farber’s bed. He was taken out of the house.

The computer and a mobile phone were seized and 39 indecent photographs were found.

Farber was said to have an “unfortunate abusive background in South Africa”.

Judge Philip Statman said he was satisfied Farber posed a significant risk of serious harm.

“You may be seen as a sexual predator,” he said. “You are behaving in a controlled way in order to achieve your own sexual gratification.

“In my judgement, you remain unclear as to why it is you have conducted yourself in the manner which has you to commit these crimes.”

The judge said if he had passed a determinate sentence, it would have been one of 12 years. Farber will serve a minimum of six years, less nine months spent on remand, before considered for release.

He was banned from working with children and will remain on the sex offenders’ register for life.

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