Business leader search delayed for Thames Gateway

Tracey Manley, chief executive, Thames Gateway (Kent) Chamber of Commerce.
Tracey Manley, chief executive, Thames Gateway (Kent) Chamber of Commerce.

Directors of one of the county's leading chambers of commerce are delaying their search for a new boss after the sudden departure of its chief executive.

Tracey Manley, who has run the Thames Gateway Chamber of Commerce and its predecessors for 21 years, left a week ago.

Ms Manley has been one of Medway's top businesswomen throughout that time. She played a key role in establishing the Medway Business Awards, the Dartford and Gravesham Business Awards and the Swale Business Awards as premier events across the region.

She was also prominent in setting up a business group uniting the Asian community, promoting the Business, Innovation and Growth (BIG) project with the University of Greenwich, and generally promoting the Medway Towns and wider Kent Thames Gateway as great places for businesses to grow.

Colleagues and fellow chamber chiefs across the county were shocked by the development. Chairman Kamal Aggarwal, who is running the chamber on a temporary basis, said Ms Manley had resigned to pursue other interests but people familiar with the situation said this was not the case. She is said to be bitterly disappointed by what has happened.

Directors have assumed operational control until a successor can be found. Mr Aggarwal said: "It is very sad to see Tracey go. She had a huge amount of experience in terms of what the chamber does. It's a loss both to the chamber and the members."

The seven volunteer directors were "rolling up their sleeves" and examining in detail how the chamber worked. When that had been completed, probably in two to three months, the chamber would look for a new chief executive.

He told members: "We hope there will be as little disruption as possible whilst we deal with the current situation but please excuse any delays or inconvenience that may be caused."

Ms Manley was unavailable for comment.

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