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Gary the baby seagull keeps solicitor's firms in Ashford on their toes

A baby herring gull has gone on his first adventure, trying to find a legal eagle at two town centre solicitor's firms.

The cheeky chick, nicknamed Gary by staff at Kingsfords Solicitors in Bank Street in Ashford town centre, has been trying to get into buildings all afternoon.

Staff at next door firm Hallet and Co solicitors have even put up a sign to their clients after closing the door to stop the curious bird getting in.

Maybe Gary needs a legal eagle?
Maybe Gary needs a legal eagle?

A solicitor at Kingsfords says the staff have contacted the RSPCA, but have been advised to leave Gary be while he is a fledgling.

The solicitor said: "He is very squeaky but seems quite good natured. He has survived being chased by children in the street so far, so I think he will be alright with our clients."

VIDEO: Gary the gull seeks out a legal eagle

Gary's parents are believed to have made their nest on top of the buildings in Bank Street, and he is now exploring the ground nearby.

Wildlife expert Owen Leyshon, from the Romney Marsh Countryside Partnership, says it is best to keep away from the chicks and said the parents may attack or divebomb people if they think there is a threat.

Outside the solicitors in Bank Street
Outside the solicitors in Bank Street

He said the process tends to take a few more weeks until the chicks are fully fledged and strong enough to leave their parents.

It isn't the first time this summer that gulls have made the news in Ashford. The council has closed off the the top floor of the car park in Edinburgh Road where another pair of herring gulls have made their nest with their chicks.

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